About Us

Who we are
We Are a Family-Owned Business
When most people see the NAPA pole sign out front, they assume our stores are owned by a large parent company, the National Auto Parts Association. In fact, our 3 NAPA stores in Colfax, Pullman and Potlatch are individually owned stores—locally owned by Tyler and Hannah Kuhl, operating as Kuhl Auto Parts. We are a family owned small business, and we’re living, working, and providing jobs in our local communities. We are proud to serve our neighbors and friends in the Palouse area. Thank you for your business!
We Enjoy Giving Back To Our Community
As small business owners, we get to decide how and when to give back to our community and our employees. It’s up to us as store owners–not up to the national presidents or higher up executives at the corporate level. We believe in giving back, and we frequently support local sports teams, school fundraisers, 4-H groups, and community events in the Palouse area. The best part about being a locally owned business is having the freedom and the ability to give back to our local communities, and knowing that the dollars we donate are staying right here, in the communities we care about. When you shop at your local NAPA store, your dollars support local families and local communities, not large, national corporations.
Our Team
Our employees are the best.
We believe that in order to have a successful business, we have to take exceptional care of our employees. We pride ourselves on having the friendliest, most knowledgeable, most customer-service oriented employees in town. When we take good care of them, they in turn are able to take good care of our customers. Our employees are like family to us, and we work hard to help them be successful, so that they can provide their best service for our customers as well.
Brands We Carry